Conditions of Participation
Conditions of Participation
Schools that the initiative is aimed at:
Secondary schools in the Basque Autonomous Community. The 50/60 places will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
One teacher and four pupils per school and per encounter. (The rest of the students in the schools will have the opportunity to follow the event live via this webpage).
Pupil profile:
Pupils that will be in their 4th year of secondary education or the science branch of the Baccalaureate programme during the 2019/2020 school year. It is up to each teacher to select the pupils he/she feels are appropriate from each school. They do not necessarily have to come from the same group or year.
Conditions for participating schools:
Schools must register on this website before the September 6 or until the venue capacity is complete.
Registration should be carried out by the school and each school should indicate the event/s they are interested in attending. The schools accepted will be notified by e-mail once the availability of places has been confirmed.
To finalise registration for these events an on-line form needs to be filled out according to a procedure which will be sent to the participants by e-mail once the availability of a place/places has been confirmed. This form should include the first name and surname/s of the participants together with the questions they want to ask the researchers. The final date for sending this information will be the September 13.
Selection criteria for participating schools:
Schools will be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis until the venue capacity for each event is full (aprox. 50/60 schools). Schools can register and take part in either one or the both encounters, but due to the limited number of places, each school can only send one participating team to each encounter. When deciding on who shall fill the final places, priority will be given to those schools who are only attending one event. In this way, we will try to make it possible for all the schools wanting to attend an event to be able to go to at least one.
Participation at top@DIPC Zientziarekin Solasean! is free of charge.
If you would like more information or if you have any queries please contact us at the following address: